Monday, December 1, 2008

This Fallen World

I am completely sadden by the fact that some things I read or hear in the news do not surprise me. Read the two articles below that I grabbed from Curtis and Danielle Rogers blog site. They are missionaries in Haiti.

Rape looms large over Haiti slums

Amnesty wants Haitian girls protected

The fact that this happens in a country within 500 miles of the US and most people probably have no clue about it is sickening. I can't help but think about how enraged Americans get about Child abuse/molestation, and here is a story of a 16 year old girl who had to spend two years in jail because she, in self-defense, killed a man who was about to rape her for the second time. The first time occurring when she was only 12. How would people react if this happened in their city, or in their neighborhood, or in their family? I believe that the outcry would be far greater than what is occurring for this young girl.

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